Okay, so this is my first actual blog posting (although I've done a blast here and there on "Their"space and other crapola sites) and there are some things that are cloudy to me about this blogging environment. Most of which have to do with self, come to think of it, all of them have to do with self but I'll address them the best way I can without losing anyone who actually decides to read these clear and concise, yet occasionally cynical and shallow, random outbursts that make up my blog. They are as follows:
- Why?
- Who Cares?
- Thought for today
It is these points that I'll address first to kinda of make sense to this Jambalaya-esque brain fart of a literary collection. Hopefully, this might actually turn out to be a memorable experience for me and whosoever shall share in my expressed opinions and feelings. Um..... Whatever!!! I'll just get into it!
So, I have a couple of friends who are blog posting faithfuls that occupy different sides of the spectrum that we know as rational thought. One, is a very deep and militant thinker who stops several theories short of a conspiracy theorist. The other, is a free-bird thinker whose impulsive nature and candid tongue is remarkably and weirdly comprehensible if you really try to understand their nature. These two liberalists are iconic of the symmetry in my brain, where I have to two different rationales taking up residence in the two hemispheres of my brain. These two entities, if you will, always fight for position constantly with one no more superior than the other.
Now, I know this sort of thing takes place in most people, but I have sincere issues with the control of these two personalities as I mature. The left brain, the logical sweet hearted, p*ss# of a person (who shall be known as D going forward) is the boyscout. This wholesome, respectful, courteous, selfless, prick is living proof that chivalry isn't dead. This would give up his life to save ANYTHING or ANYONE that he has given value. The problem with this is, society has moved on from this style of thinking since er....um.... the 50's and it's rare that you come across people like this. EXTREMELY rare. I mean, you're more likely to find a 4 leaf clover, as well as Bigfoot, than to find someone that gingerly. Not to say they don't exist, they're just not abundantly stumbled upon.
The right brain, the rogue, suave, debonair, business minded, Dame Dash of an asshole (who shall be known as B going forward) is troublemaker, or affectionately called by associates "Extremist". This arrogant, selfish, crude, hateful, spiteful, sarcastic, & sadistic bastard could be the bane or blessing of my existence. Whenever D shuts down or runs into a corner to weep or hide from trauma, B steps in and handles shit! Like I said previously in the passage, society has moved past the "brotherhood/family" mentality into today's JUST ME mentality! This is where B flourishes.
The problem, is static between the two. I can't control these fuckers! They come out when they want to and retire when they want to. I have love/hate relationship with both, but I need more control over them. With that being said, I've read through my friends' blog postings and have found their writings to have symbolism and feel that maybe if I can write my random thoughts out, maybe I can learn to control D & B better. But I haven't written in well over a decade (except verses to my songs) so I have to feel my way back! This is therapeutic and hopefully it'll be fun too! I figure, I'd give random thoughts. Thoughts that you would normally think, but not say. Maybe, just maybe, you'll feel me......
I don't know? Do you? I mean, this blog is just my feelings thrown onto cyberspace to exorcise my suppressed feelings. It is in writing that I become the master of my own world, as in that of a Manifest destiny.
manifest destiny
a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God)
It is here that I can be a deity, masquerading as a commoner, or Superman, masquerading as Clark Kent. I heard that comparison in a movie once. I thought it was an ill concept. The passage continued that Superman was the only Superhero out of the entire spectrum of heroes that was born into his ego, yet it was his dumbed down, protective custody style alter ego (Clark Kent) that was what he pretended to be. I feel like that about myself. I AM something more. I AM more than just a mere mortal. The world will soon see..... mwhahahahahahah....
uh.... that was my evil laugh.....
Each new post will have a random thought at the end. Some sort of buffoonery or fuckery just to have it! Why not? Not much else to say about that.....
That's pretty much it! This thesis styled blog was just the beginning. I'll cut loose from the bullshit frame of a structure when I post the postings. This was to kind of channel where I'm going and make it so you at least understand where I'm coming from. I hope it's.... I hope it's.......... Fuck it, it's just words man.....
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